European Bat Night 2006

8. 9. – 16. 9. 2006
In the year 2006, the Slovenian Association for Bat Research and Conservation organized the eighth European Bat Night in Slovenia. It was co-financed by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora. We worked day and night all week. During the day we organized workshops for children and we had viewings of a photo exhibition. At night we had public lectures and we listened to the sounds of bats. All the effort that went into planning and preparing the events was well and truly worth it as we enjoyed the company of the people and the bats. We conducted events in nine locations in Slovenia: Cerkno, Cerknica, Tržič, Tolmin, Ljubljana, Škocjan, Volčji potok, Krško and Pliskovica. But the photos can tell the story better than words. Please take a look!
Even though only a few people attended the lecture and bat observation session in the town of Tolmin, they were extremely enthusiastic participants.
The exhibition of photographs taken by members of the Slovenian Association for Bat Research and Conservation as displayed in the town of Cerkno were interesting for the young and the old.
After the opening of the exhibition in Cerkno, a bat observation session took place.
In Volcji Potok Park a lot of people gathered to become familiar with the lives of bats. Some of them reported that they had bats around their homes.
reporter: Alenka Petrinjak