To the present there have been 1116 species of bats (Chiroptera) discovered in the world, which is a quarter of all the known mammals of the world. The majority of them fall into the category of echolocating bats known as microbats (Microchiroptera), and approximately 190 species of fruit bats or flying foxes known as megabats (Megachiroptera).
Representatives of 32 species of echolocating bats exist in Europe of which 29 species have been found in Slovenia. No megabats are found in Europe.
Bats which live within our territory fall within two families:
- horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae)
- plain-nosed bats (Vespertilionidae).
Horseshoe bats have special structures made of skin around their nostrils, one of these structures is in the shape of a horseshoe (hence their name!), plain-nosed bats don’t have these structures. They may be differentiated also when at rest. Horseshoe bats hang free by their feet and completely wrap themselves up within their wings. Plain-nosed bats are never wrapped up within their wings but rather have them folded against the sides of their bodies, they can hang free from surfaces, with their stomachs resting against walls or they can wedge themselves into very narrow crevices.
A list of the species found in Slovenia
Lesser horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus hipposideros |

Greater horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum |

Mediterranean horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus euryale |

Blasius’ horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus blasii |
presumably extinct |
Daubenton’s bat |
Myotis daubentonii |

Long-fingered bat |
Myotis capaccinii |
Brandt’s bat |
Myotis brandtii |
Whiskered bat |
Myotis mystacinus |

Natterer’s bat |
Myotis nattereri |

Geoffroy’s bat |
Myotis emarginatus |

Bechstein’s bat |
Myotis bechsteinii |

Greater mouse-eared bat |
Myotis myotis |

Lesser mouse-eared bat |
Myotis oxygnathus |
Noctule bat |
Nyctalus noctula |

Greater noctule |
Nyctalus lasiopterus |
Leisler’s bat |
Nyctalus leisleri |

Pipistrellus pipistrellus |
Soprano pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus |
Nathusius’ pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus nathusii |

Kuhl’s pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus kuhlii |

Savi’s pipistrelle |
Hypsugo savii |

Parti-coloured bat |
Vespertilio murinus |

Serotine bat |
Eptesicus serotinus |

Northern bat |
Eptesicus nilssonii |

Barbastelle |
Barbastella barbastellus |

Long-eared bat |
Plecotus auritus |

Alpine long-eared bat |
Plecotus macrobullaris |

Grey long-eared bat |
Plecotus austriacus |
Schreiber’s bat |
Miniopterus schreibersii |

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